IT Security Assesment

Protect Your Business Against Cybercriminals With An IT Security Assessment

Frustrated female IT manager worry and feel failure while sitting in hallway of datacenter

IT Security Assessment

Cybersecurity is a topic of increasing importance, especially for small and medium businesses. Cybercriminals often target SMBs as a gateway to gain access to the larger more lucrative companies they work with.  The first step to protecting your company is to begin a discovery process to identify your compliance requirements.

Our security assessment begins by helping you identify which compliance regulations apply to your business. Next, we will work with you to conduct an informational asset inventory to document what confidential and regulated data you possess.  

key factors in developing a strategy to protect your business including:

  • What is the value of the data you possess?
  • How much does an hour of downtime cost your company?
  • What is the financial and reputational impact to your business if your protected data is breached?

Based on the information uncovered, we will perform a custom IT security assessment based on what your company truly needs.  During our security assessment, we will complete a combination of internal vulnerability scans, advanced network monitoring, social engineering, phishing testing, and external penetration testing – all of which are geared towards the unique security challenges faced by your organization.

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